Meilisearch latest news and company updates

Balancing business, technology, and user experience
Have you ever wondered how we make strategic decisions at Meilisearch? Who, exactly, is responsible for guiding the open-source teams and helping them choose what features to implement? Meet Guillaume, Product Manager at Meilisearch.

Planning v1 and beyond
Today, Guillaume Mourier, Meilisearch’s Product Manager, talks about his role in shaping v1, and what plans he has for Meilisearch’s future.

How Meilisearch became open-source: a retrospective
Clémentine walks us through key points of Meilisearch’s history and our evolution as an open-source company.

Improving Meilisearch’s language support
Many, Rust developer, explains how language integration works in Meilisearch and how to contribute to Charabia, our tokenization library, no matter your experience level.

Hacktoberfest stories: from contributor to manager
Hacktoberfest is a great time for contributing and sharing nice experiences with the open-source community. In October 2021, we uncovered a truly special, one-of-a-kind contributor