Log customization

    Customize Meilisearch logs with two experimental features: --experimental-logs-mode and --experimental-enable-logs-route.

    Customize log output

    Use --experimental-logs-mode to customize log output:

    ./meilisearch --experimental-logs-mode json

    --experimental-logs-mode accepts either human or json. human is the default value.

    For more information, consult this feature's GitHub discussion.

    Log routes

    Activate the /logs routes during runtime using the /experimental-features route:

    curl \
      -X PATCH 'http://localhost:7700/experimental-features/' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
      --data-binary '{
        "logsRoute": true

    Use /logs/stderr to customize logging levels for the default logging system:

    curl \
    	-X POST http://localhost:7700/logs/stderr \
    	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    	--data-binary '{
          "target": "milli=trace,index_scheduler=info,actix_web=off"

    Use the POST endpoint of /logs/stream for focused debugging sessions:

    curl \
    	-X POST http://localhost:7700/logs/stream \
    	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    	--data-binary '{
        "mode": "human",
        "target": "index_scheduler=trace"

    Configure the stream using the same parameters as regular logging: mode and target. The stream will continue to run indefinitely until you interrupt it.

    HTTP client compatibility

    Certain HTTP clients such as httpie and xh, will only display data after you have interrupted the stream with the DELETE endpoint.

    Use the DELETE endpoint of /logs/stream to interrupt a stream:

    curl \
      -X DELETE http://localhost:7700/logs/stream

    For more information, consult this feature's GitHub discussion.


    These features are experimental. Experimental features are unstable: their API might significantly change and become incompatible between releases. Meilisearch does not recommend using experimental features in a production environment.

    Meilisearch makes experimental features available expecting they will become stable in a future release. However, it is not possible to guarantee when and if this will happen.