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Laravel full-text and vector search

Add full-text search, vector search, and hybrid search to your Laravel applications with Meilisearch.

trusted by amazing companies

All-in-one search solution

The complete toolkit to build AI-powered search in your Laravel application.

  • Full-text search illustration

    Full-text search

    Prefix search, typo tolerance, synonyms, stop words, filters, and more.

  • Vector search illustration

    Vector search

    Build recommendations, semantic search, and multi-modal experiences thanks to vector storage capabilities.

  • Geo search illustration

    Geo search

    Filter and sort results based on their geographic locations.

  • Multitenancy illustration


    Provide secure search in multi-tenant applications thanks to dedicated API for multitenancy.

  • Official support illustration

    Official support

    Meilisearch integration is developed by the Laravel framework maintainers via the Laravel Scout package.

  • Open-source illustration


    Benefit from all the community learning materials, resources, and support.

Get started with Laravel

Check out our resources to help you integrate search into your Laravel applications.

Laravel demo

Check out our live demo and open-source repository to learn how to integrate Meilisearch with Laravel 11. This example CRM application uses full-text search to allow users to search through multiple models in a multi-tenant database.

Multitenancy guide

Learn how to implement search in a multi-tenant Laravel application. This step-by-step guide uses the example of a multi-tenant CRM that allows users to search only for data belonging to their organization.

Supercharge your frontend

Build search-as-you-type by integrating with InstantSearch.

  • UI components illustration

    UI components

    Benefit from components like search bar, refinement lists, and pagination out of the box.

  • URL sync illustration

    URL sync

    Keep your pages' URLs in sync with the active filters and pagination state to improve UX and SEO.

  • Multiple frameworks illustration

    Multiple frameworks

    InstantSearch comes in your favorite JavaScript flavor: React, Vue, Angular, or Vanilla JS.

Ready to try Meilisearch?

Join more than 20k developers who choose Meilisearch to build world-class search experiences.


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