Meilisearch latest news and company updates

What's new in v0.30
This release brings you index swapping for zero downtime deployments, numbered pagination to browse through your search results, and adds new task management features.

What’s new in v0.29
This month's release brings you a much-awaited new feature: matching strategy customization. It also brings a lot of improvements regarding indexing speed, filters, and key management.

What's new in v0.28
This month’s release brings you two great new features: smart crop and deterministic API keys. It also takes us a little closer to v1.0 with the stabilization of our API!

What's new in v0.27
This month's release brings support for nested fields, typo tolerance customization, and new search parameters.

What's new in v0.26
This month's release brings you two great new features: tenant tokens and auto-batching.

What's new in v0.25
This month’s release brings big changes to API key management and asynchronous tasks.